Monday, March 5, 2012

Okay, so here we go. I don't really know what I am doing. There is no plan. I am looking across the face of the deep and it is without form and void and yes, I am paraphrasing Genesis. It seems appropriate for big beginnings somehow.
Not that this blog is anything big. And not that I am religious. Quite the opposite, in fact. I am an atheist. I don't believe in gods. Now, I'm not saying that my mind cannot be changed. I just don't believe in any gods at this point and pretty much won't unless one of them decides to pull an abracadabra and pop in to show me some I.D.
Speaking of disbelief, there has been some debate lately as to whether or not atheism is a religion. It is not.  Some people, though, some religious people, seem desperate to hang said moniker on we dastardly disbelievers. I, personally, think it is simply a case of "well, if I'm a big stupid-head, so are you". It's a shit-flinging, no-leg-to-stand-on response from the bat-shit crazy zealots that are getting so much attention in American politics right now.  I mean, we all know bat-shit crazy zealots have been screwing things up world wide from the first time one knuckle-draggin', Cro Magnon raised a hairy finger to the sky and said, "I been talking to the guy who throws those lightening bolts..." but, if America has crests and troughs of religious crazy, well, I'd say we're peaking. 
Anyhow, I did not intend to start this particular debate. I just wanted to drop a line and get started. Mostly I just wanted a forum that was uncensored for me. A place to rant.  I'm sick of the sheer gooey-ness of those social networks. I need a place I can just talk, say what I want to say and not worry about everyone's sensibilities.  Or how to condense what I am thinking into a one-liner with a punchline.
So, here we go.

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